Anyways, I made an exception to my policy to avoid movie theaters. I think I made a brilliant choice. Wonder Woman is the best DC movie that has created since the Tim Burton Batman movies. This is my personal opinion. My husband argues that it is since The Dark Knight, but he was much more fond of those movies than I was.
Anyways... I loved this movie. I liked this movie enough to see it a second time in the theaters, which is a really big deal for me--I haven't wanted to see a movie again like this since The Lord of the Rings movies (not The Hobbit movies). I got to see it a 2nd time a week or so ago with my mom. We went out for a girl's evening and had a great time.
The rest of this may involve some spoilers. Just saying...
I loved the parts with young Diana. I totally want to cosplay Hippolyta and dress Sophie as little Diana. *squee* There is at least a 74% chance that this cosplay set will happen.
I also kind of want to cosplay Wonder Woman. Kind of. But anyways. I digress.
My favorite part after young Diana was where she climbs out of the trenches and charges the German lines. And all I could think during the entire scene is: "She's a tank. This is how a tank should function--draw aggro from enemies and let the squishy DPS go around the sides." Of course after that moment she proceeds to out DPS the DPS, so the comparison really ends there, but meh. I like it because my class of choice happens to be tank. Nevermind that I suck at being a tank because of insecurity issues and perfection issues, but I still like it and deep down wish I could be just like Wonder Woman was in that moment.
And can I talk some more about how much I loved the costume design. No, you say. Well tough. It's my blog, and I love talking about costumes. I loved the way they did the Amazons warriors. (I also loved that Princess Buttercup was Antiope--I want to be that awesome when I get to be her age.)
There is so much more that I want to say about this movie, but I don't have words for. So, I'm going to stop rambling. I was so pleased that this was done well. I really wanted it to be good, and usually that leads to disappointment. This was a pleasant break from that trend.
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