Monday, July 30, 2012

Insanely Busy

I meant to post something else today--I don't even remember what right now. That's just a taste of all the fail in my life right now. Really it's not that bad; there's just a little bit too much going on for me to keep up with everything.

So what's so busy around here? Well, for starters, I have a little baby; she's 2 months old now, but she still requires a lot of attention that can only come from mama. No complaints here though--this is a really sweet age (I especially like that they're not old enough to argue or talk back or complain when I make them cosplay). XD After that I just started a new exercise program, now that I've gotten the go-ahead from my midwife to do so. My oldest son, Ty, now runs with me three days out of the week; we're training to run a 5K sometime around November--that's the goal at least. After that, school is in session and I homeschool--not complaining; I wouldn't trade that for anything. Education is important to me, and I know at home my boys are getting the best education possible (I don't have a very high opinion of the schools in my area). However, this is my first year with all three of the boys in school, and on top of that, we're working with new curriculum materials. Needless to say, we're still trying to adjust things and get into a routine there. After that, my husband and I have set a goal to go through 5 boxes from our garage a day--yeah... we've been in this house since April and we still haven't finished unpacking. It might be worth adding though that we've never finished unpacking in any of the houses or apartments we've lived in prior to this, so if we keep with our unpacking goal, we might just have a life-time-first. Then there is this monstrous house to clean--don't get me wrong, this house is amazing and perfect for my family, but it is a bit of an intimidation when it comes to cleaning (especially with 3 boys whose idea of clean is being able to shut their doors or fit it under the living room coffee table). I'm supposed to be working in some art time in there somewhere along with some time to relax. That doesn't happen most days, which is why my WIP posts have been a little sparse, and also why posts here tend to be either late or missing entirely. I'll admit I'm a little frustrated with how slow work has been going on the projects I have going. My family is important to me though, so that stuff will always take priority over my art (and my video game time--that should go without saying though). Right now, they are a large part of why I keep my Etsy shop running and why I get tables in Artist Alley--I enjoy it a lot, but with everything going on, it becomes a source of stress; if it didn't help my family a little bit, I probably wouldn't keep doing this. It is nice to get a (small) supplement to my husband's income though since I can't really get a job outside the home right now without sacrificing things I value like the kids' education or being able to be there for Sophie when she needs me. It helps us pay a little bit extra on our student loans, which gets us a little closer to being free from those. It makes it so we can buy our kids (and sometimes ourselves) a little bit extra on birthdays and at Christmas. I am incredibly thankful to be able to do what I am doing.

I think things will improve though. I think school will take less time, as will cleaning, once we get into a smoother routine. We won't be unpacking forever--logically there should be an end to the boxes somewhere. Also, Sophie won't be a baby forever either (*sadface*). Anyways, that's a bit of what's going on in my life right now, so maybe you can understand when I miss a post here or there, or if I don't have a lot of updates each week. ^_^

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